2016年3月4日 星期五

2016-03-04 (Fri) 4th ICS field trip - Tree Top Cottage (樹屋田莊)

丁丁學校真係好多親子活動, field trips 今年已經第四個了,亦係媽媽最期待的樹屋!
樹屋一開始都冇諗住丁丁會玩到,因為每一級對細粒丁來講都幾闊,佢開頭一見到已經話唔玩,仲喊!我由頭到尾都冇要過佢玩,叫佢睇已經可以,但分組後一行到 去嗰個範圍,咩都未開始介紹,佢就喺度喊! 點知原來大人都可以玩,佢最愛嘅蘇老師又來幫佢打氣,老師同佢講完佢竟然即刻話玩,俾佢激死!咁我梗係帶頭上先啦,媽咪嘅力量亦好有幫助,佢完全冇求救過 咁完成整個過程,老師們都話佢好勇敢,應該大跌眼鏡,同開頭大爆喊實在好大分別,

9:00 a.m.
Meet up at the School
9:15 a.m.
Bus departs from School to Tree Top Cottage
10:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Activities include:

1)     Farming : Introduce organic plants and experience soil plowing and weed picking;

2)     Bamboo Raft Riding: Understand and experience how people cross the river with a bamboo raft;

3)     Treehouse Adventure: The children can challenge themselves by climbing up and down tree with safety harness.
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Bus departs from Tree Top Cottage
4:00 p.m.
Arrival at the School


